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This document provides a quick high level overview of the architecture and system behind Odyssey that we hope to be building with you. This is a living document that will be updated and expanded, so keep and eye on it!


The Odyssey framework is an intricate software stack segmented into three major parts: the front end, the back end, and the blockchain. Each division plays a crucial role in providing a comprehensive and efficient system to cater to a wide range of operations, functionalities and use cases.

The front end is the user-facing component, responsible for the interactive interface, graphics rendering, and user interactions. Leveraging libraries and engines like Babylon.JS and React, the front end provides a compelling blend of 2D and 3D experiences. Additionally, the front end features a dynamic plugin system that loads components as needed, extending functionality of the entire stacked

In the heart of the Odyssey stack lies the back end, a vital set of systems responsible for real-time networking, data management, and providing non-real-time information. Equipped with an efficient, websocket based protocol for real-time communication, REST API for efficient data delivery, and a service to get real-time communication from multiple blockchains and react to it, all these parts of the system contribute to the overall functionality of the Odyssey stack.

Lastly, the blockchain part handles all things related to blockchain technology. This includes operations concerning smart contracts, tokens, NFTs, staking, airdrop faucets, and cross-chain transactions via a bridge. Significantly, the back end and blockchain components are architected to be easily extensible, facilitating additional functionalities and the inclusion of more crypto networks in the future. This attribute reinforces the Odyssey stack's adaptability, scalability, and readiness for future advancements in the technology, browser and blockchain worlds.

Learn more about the specifics of the front-end

Learn more about the specifics of the back-end

Now you know everything about the stack, why not get your feet wet by exploring our SDKs ?