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· 7 min read
Alex Zanutto

CWH (Clown World House) is among Odyssey’s first 200 alpha users. In this interview, we aim to find out what kind of artist he is, why he decided to invest time in Odyssey, and how he thinks Odyssey may contribute to his work and that of other artists.

If you are the TL;DR type, here it for you: CWH is a 3D NFT artist who sees Odyssey as a new, potentially more appealing, metaverse paradigm, where custom assets can not only be displayed and sold, but also be programmed to enhance the digital experiences of all users.

Read the whole interview to learn more!

· 8 min read
Alex Zanutto

Odyssey empowers you to create and take part in experiences that would be impossible otherwise (in both the physical and digital worlds). Are you ready to jump in?

Imagine, a gathering of 1,000 people without having to travel; not a static voice and camera interaction, but an experience where everyone can truly participate (learn more about use cases further down).

At Odyssey, we want to democratise social (media) economies. In the Odyssey network, each user has their own 3D world, their Odyssey, and they can build it with custom assets and implement their own tokenomics.

In this article, we'll explain what the above statement entails, what led us to create Odyssey, how it is different from other metaverses (and social media), and what’s in store for the future.

In short, the current iteration of Odyssey is the natural consequence of what we learnt on our journey so far—the synthesis of the way we imagine the metaverse, social media, social interactions, collaboration, value creation, and digital experiences in a decentralised, open-source paradigm.

No time to read the article? Read the introduction in our docs, or flip through our deck

Let’s dive into the rabbit hole.

· 6 min read
Nic Rutherford

At the end of last year, the whole Odyssey team gathered in person on the stunning island of Schiermonnikoog (hard to spell, even harder to say!). Freezing temperatures, frosty sand, a chilling wind and snow and ice awaited us—but that didn’t matter. We were in the warm, doing what comes natural to us: having a hackathon.

The project that my team was working on is a subject that is very close to my heart: bringing the real world and the metaverse together. The combination of the digital and the physical is an incredibly powerful concept, and exploring its various facets is something I find fascinating.

In a nutshell, we wanted to create a physical object (Cubey) that could interact with an Odyssey in a non-intrusive way. Something with a digital twin in your Odyssey that you could keep next to your TV or on your bedside cabinet to perform casual interactions within the metaverse (e.g. high-five someone who enters your Odyssey, or return a staking someone just made in your world). In other words, a phygital entity to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds without the need to use screens.

The project is open source, and at the end of the article you’ll find how to help further its development.

· 5 min read
Alex Zanutto
Nic Rutherford

In your Odyssey, you can place custom 3D objects. We put together a bunch of resources on how to get 3D assets (for free...🤩), convert them, and even get started creating your own assets.

We'll go through some tips and tricks that will show you:

  • Where to find cool, open-source 3d assets to use in your Odyssey
  • How to convert 3d object in the right format (GLB)
  • Useful resources if you want to get started with 3D modelling